Aly Sánchez on her visits to Cuba: "First is my family, and then everything else."

In an interview for "Destino Tolk," the Cuban actress and comedian made her stance on this topic clear.

Several artists in Miami are openly questioned about their frequent trips to Cuba. Aly Sánchez, although she has not been the target of much of this criticism, at least not from her followers, confesses what motivates her to travel to her home country.

In an interview for "Destino Tolk," the Cuban actress and comedian made her stance on this topic clear.

"Everyone has their own point of view and their content as well; obviously, those who don't have political content don't have to get involved in that. I understand each person; if you are not going that way for x or y reasons, whether it's because you can't, because you weren't allowed, because you chose to go this way, because you're being paid, or because you decided to dedicate yourself to politics because you truly feel it, all those things are understandable to me," Aly assured.

"I have always believed, my whole life, that my family comes first and everything else comes after. At least I will never allow my family to starve or for someone to die without me being present," emphasized the artist.

Like many Cubans in exile, Aly considers it important to help his people on the island: “Since I arrived in this country, I came in 2007, all my family from La Güira, from Banao, the few who live in the city, they all live for me.”

"I have always understood, I have never tried to justify myself because I don't think one has to justify themselves for something they do from the heart, my followers have never judged me, if there is someone who has judged it is someone who is not my follower and does not know me," Aly said in the interview.

His last trip to Cuba was last August, after his grandmother suffered a fall and fractured her hip.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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