New shoddiness in the painting of curbs in Havana

Shoddy work is abundant in Cuba, residents of the island claim.

A new episode of "sloppiness" in the streets of Havana has sparked mockery on social media, after a Cuban identified as Yulier Rodríguez shared a video showing defective painting on the curbs of Calzada de Luyanó.

"I am walking down the Calzada de Luyanó, and they are painting the curbs because you know that every time one of these impostors is about to pass by, they paint the curbs, and suddenly I ask myself, Tato what is this?" the user commented with laughter in his Facebook post.

The video shows the curbs of the Calzada painted with lime and without respecting their edges.

This is not an isolated case. Shoddy work in public construction in Cuba has become a recurring topic on social media, where users criticize the lack of care and attention in building and renovation projects.

Recently, an image of a "3D manhole" in Santa Clara generated a torrent of criticism, being pointed out as a danger to road safety. "A KP3 truck is needed to pass that street," ironized a user on the Facebook profile Accidents of Buses and Trucks.

On the other hand, the Cuban architect Julio Herrera documented last year a new architectural "work of art" in the Cuban capital: a bus stop with columns in Salomonic Corinthian style, located at the intersection of 70th and 29th streets. "Just when I thought I had seen it all as an architect, the Corinthian Salomonic bus stop arrives," Herrera commented, accompanying his post with images of the curious structure.

In 2020, the so-called "lamppost blunder" went viral when a lamppost was placed in the middle of a piece of art at the Fountain of Youth in Havana, causing a wave of mockery and discontent.

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