El B responds to Micha: "Tell me what I have to do to sing in Cuba."

"I do not want to go to Cuba to look for 20,000 pesos. I would be so embarrassed if I said that I am going to Cuba to look for 20,000 pesos, in a country where people are dying of hunger," said the rapper.

The rapper Bian Oscar Rodríguez Gala, better known as El B, responded to the reggaeton artist Michael Fernández Sierra Miranda (El Micha), regarding his recent public statements in which he turned his back on the Cuban exile community in Miami and defended his right to travel to Cuba and not comment on political issues.

The images of the reggaeton artist's outburst on the show "El Toro Loco Show" are still fresh, where he argued inappropriately and violently with the Cuban-born host Rosy Iglesias, telling her clearly that she could not comment on Cuba because she had not been to the island in many years. El B then addressed El Micha and reproached him for his words.

Considering the reggaeton artist's attitude as hypocritical and his song lyrics criticizing the Cuban regime as false, the rapper and former member of Los Aldeanos told him that his song "Un sueño" was a lie. “It's not because I say it, your actions prove it,” El B said in a live broadcast on his social media.

The rapper demanded a bit of coherence from Cuban artists who flirt with the Havana regime, which they avoid criticizing by claiming their right not to speak out in order to safeguard the privilege (which is a right denied to thousands of Cubans) of being able to travel, perform, and make money on the Island.

A little coherence and dignity, as well as the courage to face the consequences of telling the truth and denouncing a totalitarian regime clinging to power, which denies rights and freedoms to the Cuban people and keeps artists in prison for expressing what they think.

"I would like to sing in Cuba. How do I have to do it - please explain to me those who know - what needs to be done to sing in Cuba? Because I want to sing my songs there and set that people on fire," asked El B, who has lived in the United States for years.

Similarly, the rapper reproached the reggaeton artist for his greed, a principle that he unabashedly uses to justify his decisions to perform wherever he is paid, even if it means accepting money from the institutions and representatives of the dictatorship.

"I do not want to go to Cuba to look for 20,000 pesos. I would be so embarrassed if I said that I am going to Cuba to look for 20,000 pesos, in a country where people are dying of hunger," he stated.

El B made more criticisms of El Micha: he reproached him for his lack of education and civility when it came to debating and explaining his points of view; he suggested that he stop playing the victim and learn from generations of exiled artists who have made their way in the United States without the advantages he had.

"This is what is happening: you are trying to sell people the idea that in Cuba one can sing and that one can dance the guarachá in Cuba. That is for those who are here and have money to go over there to the little concerts and to dance the guarachá," concluded El B in his live stream.

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