The reality of a fighting Cuban woman in the USA: I work in a restaurant, and when I take a break, I clean my boss's house.

"I am not ashamed to say that my second job is cleaning a house, because I do it honestly."

Cuban Heidy Díaz, known on TikTok as @heidydiazsosa, shared a video on the platform that has generated hundreds of reactions, where she proudly showcased the effort and dedication that life in the United States requires. On her day off, Heidy works by cleaning a house, demonstrating that to thrive in the country, it is essential to be willing to make sacrifices.

"Look, my loves, on my day off I am cleaning a house. So you can see that in this country, one comes to work and prosper, but if you don’t work, you are nobody and you do nothing in your life," she stated while starting to clean a bathroom.

Heidy emphasized that despite the high cost of living, such as rent and services, she continues to move forward with determination and without being ashamed of her additional jobs. "I am not ashamed to say that my second job is cleaning a house, because I do it honestly," she assured.

In his message, he also reminded that life abroad is not as easy as many think: “If the family in Cuba and the friends who are in Cuba knew everything we have to go through in this country, they wouldn't demand so much, my loves.”

The video, shared about 12 hours ago, has received numerous supportive comments from users who congratulate her for her sacrifice and fighting spirit and shared their own stories: “That’s how we Cubans are, friend, we are super fighters”; “My friend, you are a warrior, God bless you"; “You are absolutely right, that’s exactly how I am, I clean residential houses and end up exhausted, blessings,” said some.

Other users praised her perseverance and encouraged her to keep going, assuring her that God will reward her efforts: "Very true, but God will reward you."

Heidy's message has resonated with many immigrants who, like her, face the challenges of building a life in another country, showing that with hard work and sacrifice, it is possible to get ahead, without losing faith that better times will come.

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