Young man poses for a photo shoot in front of a prison in Miami and this is how the inmates react.

Prison inmates in Miami react to a photo shoot of a young woman in the building across the street.

Only in Miami! A young model had a photo shoot on the terrace of a building in the City of the Sun. While posing for the photographer, the reactions coming from the building across the street were clearly heard. However, they were not ordinary neighbors, but inmates from the Federal Detention Center...

The video was shared by the session's photographer, @leo_thevisualist, on Instagram, and later republished on the popular account @onlyindade, where it has garnered thousands of views.

In the images, the young woman can be seen posing in a bikini on the terrace with shouts and commotion in the background. In response to this enthusiastic reaction, the model gestures a heart with her hands.

This situation is not the first time it has gone viral. In fact, on social media, especially on TikTok, several videos are circulating in which women and neighbors from the condominium show the reactions of the inmates in this prison when they are on their terraces.

It is important to note that these situations have previously bothered the neighbors of the building, and several people have complained about the constant shouting and even insults from the inmates.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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