A Spaniard tries to guess Cuban expressions and they tell her: "It's clear that you live in Miami."

Spanish Tiktoker tries to guess Cuban expressions in a video that entertains her followers on TikTok.

The Spanish TikToker Nury Calvo (@nurycalvosn on TikTok) shared a funny video in which she tries to guess the meaning of Cuban expressions like “Asere, qué bola,” “Irse para el yuma,” “Te voy a tirar un cabo,” or “Las tengo a pululu,” and the result of this experiment is delighting her Cuban followers.

In the video, the Spanish woman faces the challenge of knowing and understanding what at least five out of ten expressions mean that a Cuban throws at her.

"I've bet a dinner that I at least know 5 Cuban expressions out of the 10 you are going to tell me," he states at the beginning of the video, in which he also has to guess what other phrases like "Completo Camagüey," "Estoy arriba de la bola," or "Coger botella" mean, among others.

The video generated laughter and comments from her followers, including messages like: "You are escaping," "I loved this video, long live Cuba and Spain," or "It's obvious you live in Miami," joking about the influence of living in this city, known for its large Cuban population.

"You are almost like a Cuban, very few people understand us," "Don't worry, my Spanish friend knows more Cuban sayings than I do, and I'm Cuban," or "I'm losing my Cuban-ness, my Cuban spirit is fading, tomorrow I'll have guava pastry and croquette for breakfast," are other reactions to the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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