Heavy rain continues in western Cuba due to the presence of Hurricane Helene.

In the last 24 hours, significant rainfall was recorded in the western and central regions of Cuba.

Impacto de las lluvias asociadas a Helene en Cuba © Gobierno de La Habana
Impact of the rains associated with Helene in CubaPhoto © Government of Havana

Despite Hurricane Helene, a category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, moving away from the Cuban coasts, rain persists in the western and central regions of the country.

In a post on social media, the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba (Insmet) stated that over the last 24 hours, significant rainfall was recorded in the western and central regions, with the highest accumulations being 108.3 mm in Isabel Rubio, Pinar del Río, and 84 mm in Bahía Honda, Artemisa.

A tropical cyclone warning issued by the entity at 6:00 a.m. indicated that the passage of Helene near national territory generated sustained winds during the early morning hours of Thursday, with speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour at the Casablanca weather station in Havana.

In addition, several strong gusts of wind were reported, with 101 kilometers per hour in Santa Lucía, Pinar del Río; 92 kilometers per hour in Casablanca, Havana; and 70 kilometers per hour at the station in the city of Cienfuegos.

Facebook Capture/Alberto José Turro Sevila

The institution warned that the rains will continue and will become strong and intense in some areas of the country, mainly in the west. In the coming hours, sustained winds from the south will persist in the western region, with speeds between 40 and 55 kilometers per hour and higher gusts.

The swells will continue on the southern coast of the provinces from Pinar del Río to Sancti Spíritus, reaching strong swells in the south of Isla de la Juventud and the Canarreos archipelago, as well as on both coasts of the province of Pinar del Río, with coastal flooding ranging from light to moderate on the southwestern coastline, they add.

The first secretary of the Communist Party in the province of Pinar del Río, Yamilé Ramos Cordero, announced that the main impacts in that province are concentrated in electrical infrastructure and Agriculture, the latter still unquantified.

In the case of the Isle of Youth, although the weather phenomenon contributed to improving the volumes of the reservoirs, Helene affected key sectors such as agriculture, tobacco, and electric service, the latter sector also damaged in Artemisa.

On social media, images of the impact of this cyclonic organism on the island are also circulating.

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