Cuban entrepreneur in the United States: "When does this country let you breathe?"

"What content am I going to create if I go from my house to work, from work to my house, I take a shower, and then from my house to my boyfriend's house?"

Cubana se desahoga © TikTok / @marlan_estudio
Cuban woman vents.Photo © TikTok / @marlan_estudio

Cuban entrepreneur Marlan Vázquez, known on TikTok as @marlan_estudio, opened up about the pace of life and challenges in the United States in a video recorded while driving.

In an informal chat from his car, Vázquez expressed that although the country is full of opportunities, the feeling of being "constantly grinding" is constant. "Very nice, very wonderful, full of opportunities, but man, every time you’re making progress, bam!, a bomb," she commented, visibly exhausted.

In her testimony, she described how she has had to deal with multiple problems at the same time: from building a workspace to finding a new suitable home for herself and her partner, who is in construction. Among the complications she mentioned, the difficulty of finding a place where they can park her boyfriend's trailer stands out, a situation that led her to rule out living in apartments with such restrictions. Despite everything, she managed to find an appropriate home thanks to a real estate agent. However, the stress remains, and her daily routine has prevented her from creating content on her social media: "What content am I going to make if I leave my house for work, from work to my house, shower, and go to my boyfriend's house?" she wondered.

The video, which has already surpassed 2,500 reactions, has generated various comments among its followers. Some shared their frustration as well, while others offered words of encouragement. "It's feeling insecurity and anxiety all the time. When I'm very calm, I get scared," commented one user. Another follower was more critical: "Don't complain so much and be grateful that you are healthy and can move forward," to which Vázquez replied: "I will complain about whatever I want, ma'am."

Several users felt identified with his words: "This country is the best in the world, but don't tell me it's not a grinder," commented someone; while another added, "Yes, that's how we all are. It's sad; every time you think you can breathe, something happens right away."

Among the reactions, there were those who advised the Cuban to "keep going" and not to be discouraged by the difficulties. "The darker the night, the closer dawn is," was the advice of another user who tried to encourage her to stay calm.

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