One injured after vandalism against a bus in Havana.

"They broke the back door. The incident occurred on Mayía Rodríguez street, in the 10 de Octubre municipality, resulting in one person injured. So far, there is one person detained at the Aguilera police station," reported an internet user.

Imágenes del estado del autobús tras el hecho vandálico © Facebook / Reporte de Rutas en Tiempo Real
Images of the state of the bus after the vandalistic act.Photo © Facebook / Real-Time Route Report

A person was injured this Tuesday while traveling on a public transport bus in Havana, as a result of an altercation in which the vehicle was the target of vandalism that caused material damage.

This was reported by the Facebook user identified as Javier Trujillo, administrator of the group 'Real-Time Route Report', indicating that the events took place in the afternoon on a bus of route 174, which goes from Vedado to Lawton (La Víbora stop).

Screenshot Facebook / Real-Time Route Report

“At 4:30 PM today, an act of vandalism occurred on route 174 (bus 5223 from the Lawton Terminal) when a group of young people had an argument with a gentleman inside the bus,” Trujillo stated in his post.

Images shared by the user allowed us to see the damage inflicted on the means of transportation, whose exit door suffered the shattering of one of its windows.

"They broke the back door. The incident occurred on Mayía Rodríguez Street, in the municipality of 10 de Octubre, resulting in one injured. So far, there is one person detained at the Aguilera police station," added the author of the post.

The details of the incident were not revealed, so it is unknown whether the glass broke due to a blow during the argument between the gentleman and a group of young people, or if it was the result of a stone being thrown at the bus.

Neither the authorities nor the state media have reported on what happened. The events resulted in one person injured (it is unknown whether due to blows or cuts caused by the explosion of glass) and one detained, whose identities have not been revealed.

A worrying and costly trend for public transportation in the capital.

Between April and May of this year, at least five incidents related to vandalism against public transportation buses in Havana were reported.

In early May, a bus from the Provincial Transport Company of Havana was stoned, resulting in the breaking of its front windshield and its withdrawal from service for repairs.

The stone or projectile used by the vandals caused cracking in the windshield, but did not break through it, so there were no injuries to regret from the incident.

The bus, a Chinese-manufactured Yutong identified with the number 9029, belonged to the bus stop in the municipality of Regla and covered the route A32 (Palatino - Regla - Habana del Este).

In April, a public transport bus was stoned just before 11 PM while it was traveling through the Centro Habana municipality, as reported on social media by the same company from the capital.

The entity specified that the vandalism incident took place at 10:40 p.m. on Prado between Genios and Cárcel against bus 8412, which covered route A58, starting its journey at Boyeros and Bruzón (Plaza de la Revolución) and concluding its route in the Bahía neighborhood (Havana del Este).

Photos released by the state transportation company showed that the stones were apparently targeted at the front area, where the driver sits.

Days later, several public transport buses in Havana were vandalized after being pelted with stones while carrying out their usual routes. A statement published by the Provincial Transport Company reported three stone-throwing incidents on different routes.

One of the incidents occurred on the "bus 9002 that covered Route A 27 from the Palatino terminal," which according to the source "while at the stop at 26 and Puentes Grandes, a fight broke out inside and a passerby threw a stone through the front door, shattering the glass of the driver's cabin."

In the other incident, the stone-throwing was described as "massive" against bus 8456 that serviced Route A62 from the Guanabo Terminal.

It happened while the vehicle was parked at the Virgen del Camino stop. The source reported that the driver was assaulted while the individuals fled the scene.

The last of the incidents involved the bus 5500, which was covering Route 55 from Terminal Lisa, and occurred at the intersection of 23rd Street and 214th Street. The criminals fled the scene and broke some of the passengers' windows.

These events occur amidst a context of crisis in citizen mobility in the Cuban capital, as described by Yunier de la Rosa Hernández, general director of Transportation in the territory, during a report from the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS).

In early March, there were 252 operational units in the capital of the country according to official figures, a number lower than the 309 that remained inactive.

According to the capital executive, at the stops in Havana, people can wait for transportation for up to three or four hours, depending on whether the route is a main or feeder line, for which sometimes there is only one bus in operation.

In June, a man was arrested after throwing a stone that broke the side window of a state bus in Havana, according to the Provincial Transport Company of the capital.

The affected bus was the 613 from the El Calvario Terminal, which was hit by a stone while completing its route to the base, according to the mentioned source on social media.

Although the state-owned company did not specify, it seems that only the driver was in the vehicle at the time of the incident.

The Provincial Transport Company did not identify the individual who was arrested in connection with the incident by name, nor did it disclose the circumstances of the person's arrest.

However, he shared a photo of the alleged wrongdoer, specifying that he "was carrying a bladed weapon" at the time of the arrest.

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