Several arrested for the murder of a young MININT officer in Santiago de Cuba.

In the incident, there is a young woman involved.

Hombre asesinado © Yosmany Mayeta / Facebook
Man killedPhoto © Yosmany Mayeta / Facebook

Several people have been arrested in connection with the murder of Yorlandi Rodríguez Valenciano, an officer of the Ministry of the Interior who served as a driver for the Micro 9 Police Unit in Santiago de Cuba.

According to journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada's report on Facebook, the 38-year-old young man, who was the father of two small girls, was found dead on Tuesday in a patch of weeds near the Alejandro Urgellés Multipurpose Hall, in a dark and dangerous stretch between the University of Oriente and Reparto Micro 9.

Publication inFacebook

The alleged murder occurred when a young woman, involved in the crime, stopped Rodríguez's engine.

A relative of the victim reported that he agreed to take her, but was ambushed by four accomplices who were hiding in the bushes, presumably to steal the vehicle.

According to information provided by a close relative, the young woman was arrested and reported the other parties involved, including two twin brothers known as "Los Mellizos," who were also detained.

It was reported that the twins had wounds on their bodies, which suggests that the victim attempted to defend themselves before succumbing to multiple stab wounds that caused their death.

The murder has generated a strong police operation in the area.

The authorities continue to search for clues and have not yet recovered the motorcycle stolen during the attack.

The place where the body was found is known for its lack of street lighting, making it a site frequently used for criminal activities.

This case adds to the growing perception of insecurity on the island, a topic that has gained relevance on social media in recent years.

Despite the recent statements by Maricela Sosa Ravelo, vice president of the Supreme Court of Cuba, who told the BBC that insecurity is "exaggerated" by social media, the daily reality for many Cubans seems to contradict this official narrative.

The increase in robberies, assaults, and murders coincides with the economic decline of the country and the rising inflation, and is part of the context of the largest wave of migration from the island.

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