Wampi returns to the United States and talks about the situation of El Taiger: "He is a person to follow."

Upon his return to the United States, Wampi spoke about the delicate moment that El Taiger is experiencing.

Wampi © Instagram / Wampi
WampiPhoto © Instagram / Wampi

The Cuban artist Wampi has just returned to the United States, and upon his arrival at the airport, he was interviewed by his ex Samantha Hernández from La Familia Cubana, who asked him about the difficult situation his colleague El Taiger is going through.

During the interview, held at the airport, Wampi did not hesitate to express his sadness and empathy towards the reggaeton artist. "I don't feel good, honestly, with the situation José is going through. He is a human being, no one wishes harm on anyone or wants them to go through those kinds of things. I feel sad," confessed Wampi, who acknowledged that despite not having a close relationship with José Manuel Carvajal, he has great respect for him as an artist.

"I don't interact much with my colleagues, but he has given me a couple of pieces of advice that I've taken to heart," admitted the singer. "He is someone to follow, speaking from a musical standpoint. He is a talented person," he said, expressing admiration for his colleague's work.

In recent days, several colleagues from the world of Cuban music have come together in tribute to El Taiger at various locations, expressions of affection that, according to Wampi, will give him strength.

"They are things that in their state will give them a lot of strength. We just need to continue staying united and asking God that we can have José back," she expressed with hope.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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