Twenty-seven Cuban migrants detained during police operation in Guatemala

In the vehicle carrying the 27 Cubans, there were people of other nationalities, totaling 70.

Migrantes detenidos por la Policía de Guatemala © Facebook/PNCdeGuatemala
Migrants detained by the Police of GuatemalaPhoto © Facebook/PNCdeGuatemala

Twenty-seven migrants of Cuban nationality were detained by the National Civil Police of Guatemala (PNC) during an operation in which they detected a bus with 70 irregular individuals traveling through the Central American country.

The arrest took place at kilometer 69.6 in the Escuintla sector, in the capital of the country, where the police intercepted a C-120BVZ bus belonging to the Pacific transport line.

Facebook capture/PNCdeGuatemala

During the review, they detained the pilot and co-pilot identified as Juan "N" aged 28 and Óscar "N" aged 42, according to a note shared by the entity on Facebook.

In the vehicle, in addition to the 27 Cubans, there were one citizen from Uzbekistan, another from Chile, one Brazilian, three from Russia, two from China, and nine from Venezuela.

In addition, there were four from Ecuador, four from Vietnam, as well as four from India, eight from Haiti, and six from Honduras, for a total of 70 people, including 11 children.

The detained migrants were sent to the Guatemalan Institute of Migration because they did not have documents that proved their legal stay in the country.

At the end of August, six migrants of Cuban nationality were detained by the Guatemalan police during an operation on one of the roads in the La Felicidad neighborhood, Agua Blanca department.

The Cubans, for whom no data was provided, were traveling aboard trucks P-477DTT and P-981KJC, along with eight migrants from Ecuador, three from Bangladesh, and one each from Peru, India, and Turkey, respectively.

Days later, two Cuban immigrants and more than 30 people of other nationalities emerged unscathed from a traffic accident that occurred on a road in southern Guatemala.

After the accident, police officers and rescue teams rescued the migrants and provided them with the necessary assistance, according to a statement from the PNC.

Reportedly, the individuals did not suffer significant injuries, as none required specialized medical attention. The rescuers "indicated that they did not need to be transferred to a hospital."

The detention of three undocumented women, of Cuban nationality, who were being transported by a coyote along the roads of the South American country, was more recent.

Guatemala is one of the countries in Central America that Cuban migrants and those of other nationalities cross through on their way to the southern border of the United States.

In the midst of the largest migratory exodus in the history of Cuba, immigrants from the island risk the dangerous journey, determined to reach Mexico and obtain a CBP One appointment to present themselves at a port of entry to the U.S. and apply for asylum in this country.

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