Obama compares Trump's speeches to those of Fidel Castro during a Democratic rally.

The reaction has not sat well with many, who have reminded the former American president of his history of rapprochement with the Cuban government.

Former United States President Barack Obama took advantage of a rally held this Thursday in Pennsylvania to criticize his successor, Donald Trump, even comparing the lengthy speeches of the former president to those of Fidel Castro.

With sarcasm and laughter, Obama described Trump as a 78-year-old narcissistic and boastful multimillionaire who has not stopped "complaining" since he launched his first campaign in June 2015.

"You have the tweets in uppercase. The ramblings and diatribes about crazy conspiracy theories. You have the two-hour speeches, the word salad. Simply... it's like Fidel Castro, over and over again," he said.

"Constant attempts to sell you things: Selling you gold sneakers and a 100,000-dollar watch and, more recently, a Trump Bible," he added in reference to the Republican candidate’s attempts to profit economically from his image.

The reaction has not gone down well with many, who have not hesitated to remind the former American president of his history of engagement with the Cuban government.

"Desperation to the max: Barack Obama, the one behind the thaw policy towards Cuba, the friend of Raúl Castro, claims that Trump 'is like Fidel Castro'," wrote Emmanuel Rincón on X.

"He's back! And he calls Trump 'Fidel Castro.' Here is Obama with a real Castro, Fidel's brother, Raúl. A signal for the people of Miami who fled from communist Cuba," pointed out another internet user, showing photos of Raúl Castro with Obama during the latter's visit to Cuba in 2016.

"Obama seemed to enjoy appeasing Fidel and Raúl Castro," noted a third commentator about Barack Obama's controversial statement.

Obama says that Trump divides the country.

Former President Barack Obama also accused Donald Trump of fostering division in the country.

“Donald Trump wants us to believe that this country is irreparably divided, that there are 'true Americans' who support him, and those who do not. He believes that keeping people divided and enraged gives him more electoral opportunities, regardless of whom it hurts in the process,” he said.

In contrast, Obama praised Kamala Harris, highlighting her middle-class background, her experience as a prosecutor, and her capability for the position.

"United States is ready to turn the page. We are prepared for a new story in which we work together, not divided. Pennsylvania, we are ready for President Kamala Harris!" he exclaimed.

The former president also addressed male voters, a group where Trump holds an advantage according to the polls, especially among young people from Generation Z, Hispanics, and African Americans, where the Republican has eroded the traditional Democratic support.

Obama emphasized that true strength does not lie in aggressive or contemptuous behavior, but in taking responsibility and defending those who cannot do so for themselves.

The Democrat alternated his criticisms with calls for electoral mobilization, urging Americans to vote instead of booing.

Considered one of the most popular figures of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama was greeted with a standing ovation at a packed university campus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a key state for the elections on November 5th.

Obama has been a strong supporter of Kamala Harris since she became the Democratic nominee. He is scheduled to participate, along with his wife Michelle, in a series of events to mobilize voters in the weeks leading up to the election.

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