Yomil reconciles with his past after El Taiger's death: "I forgive everyone without exception."

Yomil expresses regret and forgives everyone after El Taiger's death, closing old disputes and advocating for mutual respect.

Yomil © Instagram del artista
YomilPhoto © Instagram of the artist

The well-known Cuban reggaeton artist Yomil Hidalgo surprised his followers with an emotional statement on social media, in which he expressed his desire for reconciliation with all the people he had ever been at odds with.

After the death of his friend and colleague José Manuel Carbajal, known artistically as El Taiger, Yomil has decided to undergo a process of introspection, step away from social media for a few days, and clear his heart of grudges and bad energies.

Instagram Stories Yomil

"Today I forgive everyone without exception who has disrespected me and offended me (...) I swear to you, I have nothing against anyone. After José's death, I am even more convinced that my heart must be clean and without resentment," the artist assured in the stories of his Instagram profile.

Yomil admitted that he had made mistakes in the past and expressed regret for having offended Carbajal in an unprovoked diss track. For this reason, he requested this week that those videos be removed from social media.

He emphasized that he has matured over the years and has learned to value respect towards those who were and are his friends. In addition to apologizing, he called on the new generations to learn from mistakes and maintain a more respectful attitude.

Yomil's Instagram Stories

For its part, the Flow Urbano Real platform, which had uploaded the diss track of Yomil towards El Taiger more than a decade ago, announced the removal of the material from its YouTube channel as a sign of respect for the deceased and his family.

In a statement, they also apologized for the harm that the content may have caused, acknowledging that they did not anticipate the negative impact it would have.

Instagram Stories Yomil

Yomil buried the hatchet especially with Chocolate, the King of the Neighborhood, and he responded that he also agrees to remove the videos of the diss tracks from social media.

Yomil's gesture of reconciliation was well received on social media, where the singer received praise for his willingness to leave the past behind and forgive those who offended him.

This act of reflection by Yomil marks a significant moment in his career, showing his desire to leave old disputes behind and move forward in peace.

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