Multiple murder in Centro Habana

It would have occurred in the neighborhood of Cayo Hueso. There are contradictory testimonies, but everyone agrees that there is one woman and two men murdered in a robbery that is said to have taken place near Parque Trillo. The state media has not published anything about it.

CiberCuba © Varios testigos sitúan el crimen a la espalda del Parque Trillo
CiberCubaPhoto © Several witnesses place the crime behind Parque Trillo.

We thought we had seen it all, but violence is escalating in Cuba. Following the crime in Ceballos, which left four people massacred during a robbery last August, a multiple murder has now occurred just a month and a half later in the Cayo Hueso neighborhood of Central Havana, also motivated by a robbery.

The incident is believed to have occurred in the early hours of Thursday, October 10 to Friday, October 11, in the area of Parque Trillo, in Centro Habana, although the bodies were not found until Saturday, October 12.

The crime would have resulted in three violent deaths: that of a young man, his father, and his grandmother. "The boy's name was José Miguel, the man's name was Danilo, and the murdered woman was Danilo's mother. They were killed in the early hours from Thursday to Friday and were found on Saturday," says a neighbor from the area to CiberCuba.

Another neighbor places the crime on San Martín street, between Espada and San Francisco, one block from her house. She also claims that three people lost their lives in the crime: an elderly woman and two men. A third consulted neighbor agrees to place the events in the past week at a house near Parque Trillo, and this information aligns with what the other neighbor provided since Parque Trillo is one block further down, behind San Martín and Espada.

Two thieves

As of today, it is unclear what really happened or where the crime took place because there are several versions. However, everyone agrees that it was a robbery with multiple murders in Centro Habana. According to the neighbor consulted, two people, apparently brothers, broke into the house to rob and slaughtered those they found inside.

"When the police arrived, the bodies had already been there for a day," notes this neighbor consulted by CiberCuba. According to her explanation, it was the daughter of the murdered woman, living abroad, who raised the alarm. "She called and no one answered. Then she called a friend to go to the house to see what was happening. When the friend arrived, the neighbors told him they hadn't seen them for a day and let him in through his house. When he entered, the first one he found was the lady; then the man who was tied up," she stated.

According to the testimony of this neighbor, the Police have already arrested the murderers because "one of them called the other from the boy's mobile phone that they killed, and because of that last call, the Police located them," she stated in comments to this portal.

But this is not the only version of events. The first to uncover the crime was an internet user who goes by the name Almakki Díaz, who places the multiple murder on San José street, between Espada and San Francisco. He provides a photo of a police patrol supposedly parked at the crime scene. The information he claims to have confirmed indicates that a man, along with his homosexual partner and his mother, were murdered.

However, in the comments on that post, they correct that it was not the man's partner but his godfather, who baptized him. Additionally, at least two different testimonies agree that a young man who usually lived on Ánimas street was murdered that night after sleeping at his father's and grandmother's house, the other two victims.

There are more comments giving other addresses like San José and Hospital, but everyone agrees that the crime would have taken place in Centro Habana.

In a previous post by the same user, an internet user claims to know the aunt of the murdered young man. "I knew the boy. His mom and aunt live across from my house, in Ánimas, between Gervasio and Belascoaín, in Centro Habana, next to the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital. The incident occurred near Trillo Park and the murdered woman was the boy's grandmother," he noted.

In response to questions from CiberCuba, this person says that they learned about the crime because their family, who lives in Centro Habana, told them. Judging by the information he has, the crime would have taken place in the area of Parque Trillo and he even dares to speculate that it could have been in one of the twelve-story buildings on Cayo Hueso.

Another internet user who works as a freelancer explains that she knew one of the murdered individuals. "He and his wife were very good friends of mine. She was not here in Havana, and he stayed at his dad's and grandmother's house. That night they broke into the house and tried to suffocate him, but it seems they couldn't, so they stabbed all three of them: him, his dad, and his grandmother. They put the grandmother in the cold and took everything from inside the house," she points out.

La Tijera echoed Almakki Díaz's post, and several people residing in Centro Habana also confirmed the multiple homicide on this profile. In any case, there are no clear news reports on the matter because the official press is focused on the Palestinian people and has not dedicated a single line at this point to clarify uncertainties regarding a supposed multiple crime that has shaken the Cuban people.

In the Centro Habana area, where all witnesses place the multiple murder, there are several homes dedicated to rental for tourists.

What do you think?


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Tania Costa

(Bat Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. He was head of the Murcia edition of 20 minutos and communication advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

Do you have anything to report? Write to CiberCuba: +1 786 3965 689

Tania Costa

(La Habana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. He was the head of the Murcia edition of 20 minutos and a Communication advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).