A woman is murdered in Santiago de Cuba.

The femicide occurred in La Maya.

Vehículo de Criminalístiica (Imagen de referencia) © Granma
Forensic Vehicle (Reference Image)Photo © Granma

A woman was murdered by her husband in La Maya, in the province of Santiago de Cuba, according to a report on social media by journalist Yosmany Mayeta, citing sources with knowledge of the case.

The victim, identified as Yucleidis Morales, is said to have been stabbed four times by her partner.

"The husband didn't want her to work at night and out of jealousy, he killed her," a source told the mentioned reporter.

Facebook capture/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

As of the closing of this note, no other details about the femicide have emerged, which have not been reported so far by Cuban feminist platforms.

Until September 23, a total of 38 feminicides in Cuba had been verified by independent platforms, according to the underreporting recorded by the YoSíTeCreo en Cuba (YSTCC) observatories and the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT).

The platforms had also verified three attempted femicides, six cases that require access to police investigations, and two murders of men for gender-related reasons up to the mentioned date.

At the beginning of August, the Cuban government reported that in 2023, 60 cases of murders of women aged 15 or older for gender-based reasons were prosecuted in courts, of which 50 (83.3%) were killed by their partners or ex-partners, and the rest by other attackers, according to data from the Cuba Gender Equality Observatory.

Additionally, according to the same source, 378 cases of sexual violence were judged in judicial processes, and several women were left with aftereffects following attacks by their ex-partners.

The official Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) has acknowledged that more than 16,000 women and girls from 9,579 families live in situations of violence in the country.

The organization also acknowledged an increase in feminicides since the coronavirus pandemic, although it refuses to use that term and employs the term "femicidio."

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