"For this reason, I believe I am rich": Cuban YouTuber reflects on "privileges" in Spain and compares it to her life on the island.

"Sometimes I start to analyze little things like that, small details of life that have changed, and I say these are now things that I used to think were for the wealthy."

Cuban YouTuber Anita Mateu (@anita.mateu), who has been living in Galicia for two years, has once again made waves on TikTok with a video where she reflects on the things she considers "privileges" in her new life in Spain. Anita, known for her authentic and approachable tone, compared her previous life in Cuba with her current one, highlighting how she now has access to goods and services she never thought she would have.

In the video, which has over 374 thousand views, Anita confessed that although certain things may seem normal to many in Spain, for her they are true luxuries. "That's why I think I'm rich," she started by saying. According to her, one of those privileges is having so many food options that she doesn’t even know what to choose when going to the supermarket. "In Cuba, I always knew what I was going to eat because it was always the same: rice, beans, whatever meat there was, usually chicken or croquettes," she said. The situation contrasts radically with what she lives now, where she is surprised by the number of products she still hasn’t tried, despite having already spent two years in the country.

But food was not the only aspect that stood out. Anita also talked about clothing, explaining that in Cuba she barely had three items that she inherited from her cousins and that there were no stores with accessible variety. Now, when she opens her closet, she says that sometimes she doesn't know what to wear, something she never imagined when she lived on the island. "In Cuba, we categorize clothes into everyday wear and going-out clothes," she humorously explained, recalling that before she didn't even have the option to choose what to wear.

Reactions to the video came quickly, and they were both supportive and deeply reflective. "What a pleasure to listen to someone who doesn’t complain and is grateful for what they have," commented one user, while another admitted: "It makes me want to cry thinking that what is normal for us is a luxury for others." Many users from Latin America also related to this, like a comment from Venezuela that said: "I’ve almost been here a year and it happens to me too. Eating comfortably, buying some Nikes, hot water and a shower, uff!".

Others, especially from Spain, expressed surprise at seeing such marked differences. "I’m very glad that you feel so good in our country, I hope that soon Cuba has the same conditions," was one of the most supported responses. There were also those who took the opportunity to remind that not long ago, the situation in Spain was not so different either. "When I was little in Spain, it was the same... I’m 50 years old and now it seems incredible to me how much it has changed," confessed another user.

It's not the first time Anita has talked about how much she values things that, from her perspective, are luxuries compared to her life in Cuba. On other occasions, she has shared how access to a greater variety of products and services has been a significant change, and how these little details have shaped her experience living outside the island.

This new video has sparked a debate between those who, like Anita, appreciate the little things in their daily lives, and those who have realized that often what others in the world see as a privilege is taken for granted.

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