Elioveliz, the Cuban José José, thanks Lenier Mesa: "Thank you for always being there, for believing in me."

Several of the young performer's songs have been composed by Lenier.

Elioveliz Pérez, known as the Cuban José José, publicly thanked the composer and singer Lenier Mesa, who has supported him since the beginning of his musical career.

The young artist dedicated some words to Lenier on his Facebook, recalling those moments when he was giving him encouragement.

"In my list of unreleased songs, most of them you've given me: 'When I saw you,' 'I suffered for love,' 'There are loves,' 'If I can't forget her,'" wrote Elioveliz in one of his posts, announcing that this last song will be his next release.

Facebook Capture / Elioveliz Pérez

“Lenier, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your unconditional support. Your trust, your encouragement, and your lyrics have been fundamental on this journey. Thank you for always being there when I needed it most and for walking by my side every step of the way. Your support is a gift that I deeply value and I will never take it for granted,” added the singer.

In addition to composing several of his songs, Lenier was one of the first Cuban artists who through social media invited his followers to follow Elioveliz while praising his great talent.

Last August, Elioveliz traveled to Mexico and started his first tour in that country. After his performance at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City, he thanked the Mexican audience for all the affection they have shown him.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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