Firewood is distributed in Granma for the people to cook: Charcoal has run out in Cuba.

The energy crisis leaves millions of Cubans without fuel to prepare food. The food shortage worsens as the days go by.

Reparten leña en Granma © Mario J. Pentón en X
Firewood is distributed in Granma.Photo © Mario J. Pentón in X

The provincial government of Granma sent trucks with firewood to the streets so that residents have resources to prepare food amid the massive blackouts affecting the country.

The journalist Mario J. Pentón shared images on his social media showing a truck delivering firewood to the residents of Granma so they can cook food.

"In Granma, they are distributing wood (apparently they ran out of charcoal) for people to cook. Cuba is moving forward (towards the abyss) and that hurts us...", said Pentón.

Its publication has generated numerous reactions, with testimonies from other people who claim that charcoal is something very valuable today for cooking in Cuba. It is another one of the fuels depleted in the country.

"The pure gave half a sack of coal to a partner from the neighborhood. The guy was crying and thanking him as if he had been given a sack of gold. That's how far they have taken us. The remaining food is running out, and the thefts and violence are on the rise," expressed the user Juan Carlos Hernández on X.

The official press in Granma said on Monday that the authorities of the province resumed the distribution and sale of liquefied gas and will maintain it as long as the availability of this product in the warehouses of the Territorial Division of Fuel Marketing allows.

Facebook Radio Bayamo

However, users have taken to social media of the state-run media to confront the government's statements.

"That (the sale of gas) is a big lie. People have had to go into the woods to cook with firewood because the gas they bring is not enough for anything. There are very few canisters for sale. You have to spend weeks on a waiting list to see if they resolve anything. That is the sad reality. Stop the nonsense. They keep feeding lies to a people that has already opened their eyes."

In Ciego de Ávila, a gas canister can cost up to 60,000 Cuban pesos amid the current energy crisis in Cuba.

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