Lenier Mesa improvises homophobic verses against Alexander Otaola on Alexis Valdés' show.

The Cuban improviser Juan Antonio Díaz was also present in this program.

It is no secret that between Lenier Mesa and Alexander Otaola, sparks of hatred fly and the relationship between them is far from being good.

In a program with Alexis Valdés, with whom the Cuban presenter is also not on good terms, the singer and composer improvised some quite homophobic verses against Otaola.

The idea of improvising something came from Lenier, and in response to the doubts of those present, he said to them: "Don't be scared, are you afraid or what?"

After some improvised insults from Alexis Valdés, Lenier showcased his mastery of country music and launched some jabs at Otaola in a degrading tone, mocking him for his sexual orientation.

"I’d better not talk so that nobody gets surprised / If the ‘Ota’ is for the name and the ‘Ola’ is for hating / The best thing is to walk just like the foam rises / There are many people who add up and have broad chests / And there’s a bird in a ranch that has hate in its feathers," Lenier improvises, unable to contain his laughter.

The improviser Juan Antonio Díaz, who was also on the program, focused, however, on criticizing the work of the Cuban presenter: “I still can’t wrap my mind around how one acquires fame and money by damaging the honor of so many people / What kind of criminal succeeds in that chaos / Don’t even think of Otaola / Those who are not good do not succeed / And there’s no need to poison it; the rat dies on its own.”

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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