Impressive rise of a river crosses several houses during flooding in San Antonio del Sur.

The dams collapsed in San Antonio del Sur.

An alarming video circulating on social media shows the moment when a family in San Antonio del Sur watched in shock as the water level in their home rose; it is unclear whether it was due to the flooding of a river or the overflow of a dam.

"Who expected this? Nobody expected this. The dam would break or God knows what they did. San Antonio del Sur completely flooded," one of the family members is heard saying as the strong current flowed in through one door of the house and out through another.

Especially touching is the figure of an elderly woman who was in the house.

"In San Antonio del Sur, the valley's dams overflowed, and no necessary measures were taken to protect the population. There are entire families missing, and many helicopters have flown over the city today," said activist Miguel Ángel López Herrera in statements to Martí Noticias.

The floods that occurred in the Guantanamo municipality of San Antonio del Sur during the passage of Hurricane Oscar have left shocking images.

Some of them recount the brave efforts of certain individuals to assist neighbors, several of whom are elderly, who without help would have lost their lives.

The disaster caused by Hurricane Oscar as it passed through eastern Cuba has so far left seven dead, according to official figures, including a mother and her little daughter who was only five years old.

The authorities have not specified the number of missing persons.

"San Antonio del Sur hurts," wrote journalist Miguel Reyes on Facebook early Tuesday, who has documented the extent of the flooding in that Guantanamo locality through videos and photos since the beginning.

However, as the hours passed, the situation worsened, and it was reported that in addition to San Antonio, the municipality of Imías was also devastated.

Although the massive blackout that kept the country in the dark since noon last Friday made it difficult for Cubans to be informed about the arrival of the weather phenomenon, the Cuban government argues that evacuations were carried out.

In total, more than 15,000 people were evacuated: 9,000 in Imías and 6,000 in San Antonio del Sur, according to a report on Monday by the Granma newspaper.

However, the images of what happened in both San Antonio del Sur and Imías are shocking: flooded homes, lost food, and many families struggling to recover the little they have been able to salvage.

Members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) participated in rescue efforts, particularly in the areas most affected by the floodwaters, which reached over a meter in height.

The recovery efforts are already underway, but the challenge is enormous in a country that is going through a deep economic crisis and in all areas.

The passage of Hurricane Oscar through Guantánamo has left a toll of destruction and death that will mark the province for a long time. Although the cyclone has moved away from Cuba many hours ago, the recovery efforts are just beginning.

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