Jacob Forever explains why he isn't going to Cuba: "I don't want to know anything about that communism."

"There are many things happening in Cuba with which I do not agree," he said in a recent interview where he called for freedom for political prisoners on the island.

Jacob Forever has made it clear in a recent interview with youtuber Adrián Fernández that he has no intention of returning to Cuba. During the conversation, the artist spoke about his family, the challenges of reconnecting with them, and his reasons for avoiding travel to the island.

The reggaeton artist expressed his rejection of the Cuban political system and his disagreement with the lack of freedoms in the country. “I don’t want to go to Cuba, I don’t want to know anything about that communism, I don’t want to know anything about the lack of freedom. I don’t want to know about a place where there are many political prisoners and many things happening that I do not agree with,” the singer stated.

Despite his decision, Jacob Forever stays in touch with his family and takes care of their financial well-being. He explained that his mother and grandmother live in Camagüey, in houses he purchased for them, and although they have the option to leave, they have chosen to stay due to custom and family ties. His mother, who once traveled to the United States, preferred to return to Cuba as she missed her daily life and her husband. “I explained to her many times what it is like to live in capitalism, what it means to be free, but she has her family there, her customs, and her life as it has always been,” Jacob Forever detailed.

The artist also took the opportunity during the interview to clarify to those who criticize him for not bringing his family out of Cuba or for comments made by people who claim he left his son Riler, his only son, behind. “Many people comment and say ‘why don’t you bring your son?’ My son has been requested for three years, he has an interview now on the 10th, and possibly, if God willing, he will get his visa and can come,” explained the reggaeton artist, emphasizing that he is managing the process for the child to reunite with him in the United States. He also responded to those questioning why his mother hasn’t left the island. “My mom was already in this country; I brought her for three months, but she only lasted two because she said ‘why am I always cooped up here?’ and ‘why can’t I go out and talk to the neighbor?’ I was always explaining to her what a better life is, what it means to live in capitalism, what it means to be free, but she has her family there, her customs,” he argued.

To see his loved ones, the singer has chosen to meet them in the Dominican Republic, using the services of agencies like Risa Travel. “I have to wait a year to see them in Punta Cana,” he commented, adding that his son, who has been in a claims process for three years, could finally receive his visa in the coming days to meet him in Miami. In the interview, the artist also took the opportunity to send a message of support to Cubans fighting for freedom and to political prisoners: “Freedom for political prisoners; Homeland and Life and freedom for Cuba.”

Jacob Forever's statements have sparked a wave of comments on TikTok, where Adrián Fernández (@adrianfernandezshow) shared a snippet of the interview. Some users supported his stance, arguing that they wouldn't set foot in Cuba as long as the dictatorship exists. “That's how I do it; I send my mom to Cancún and DR. I won't put a foot in Cuba,” wrote one follower. Another commented, “My respects to Jacob, that’s how to speak up, thanks for voicing your opinion.” A user also pointed out that “Adrián, that is an artist of substance and honor, who speaks about politics without fear and demands freedom for his people.”

However, others criticized his decision, arguing that love for family should take precedence over political differences. “I don't agree with you; life is too short, and a family hug is priceless,” commented one user. Another person wrote, “I would give anything to go to Cuba,” while another comment noted, “You’re not going because you’re not interested, not because you can’t.”

Some also pointed out that Jacob Forever's statements may be influenced by the pressure from the Cuban exile community in Miami. "You have to say the right words so Otaola won't target you. Not even in a country of freedom can you express what you truly feel," commented one user. Another remarked: "We are not free even when we leave Cuba; it's clear he said that because if you don't say it, they'll go after you."

The interview with Adrián Fernández, which we present in full below, has reignited the debate regarding the stance of Cuban artists in exile and the dilemma of whether to stay away from the island or return to reunite with their families.

Frequently asked questions about Jacob Forever's statements on Cuba

Why doesn’t Jacob Forever want to return to Cuba?

Jacob Forever does not want to return to Cuba due to his rejection of the communist system and the lack of freedoms in the country. In an interview, the reggaeton artist expressed that he does not agree with the current political and social conditions on the island, which influences his decision not to return to his homeland.

How does Jacob Forever keep in touch with his family in Cuba?

Jacob Forever keeps in touch with his family through video calls and visits to places outside of Cuba, such as the Dominican Republic. The artist takes care of the financial well-being of his mother and grandmother, who live in Camagüey, in houses that he bought for them. Although they have the option to leave Cuba, they have chosen to stay for their own personal reasons.

What does Jacob Forever say to those who criticize his decision not to take his family out of Cuba?

Jacob Forever responds to criticism by stating that his mother already had the experience of living in the United States but chose to return to Cuba because of her customs and family ties. He is managing the process for his son to reunite with him in the United States and makes it clear that, while he would like his family to be with him, he respects their personal decisions.

What is Jacob Forever's stance on the political situation in Cuba?

Jacob Forever voices support for freedom and against political repression in Cuba. During the interview, he sent a message of support to Cubans fighting for freedom and to political prisoners, highlighting his critical stance towards the Cuban regime and his desire to see changes in the country.

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A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.