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The case of Damir Ortiz, a 10-year-old Cuban boy suffering from plexiform neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), has reached international media after the Cuban regime attempted to politicize it.
The prestigious newspaper El País from Spain dedicated an article to the situation of the minor, highlighting the challenging circumstances faced by hospitals in Cuba and, consequently, patients with chronic illnesses.
According to the newspaper, little Damir, who has developed tumors due to his genetic neurological condition, is becoming more seriously ill each day.
"Time passes, and 10-year-old Damir Ortiz gets a little more sick every day," the article notes.
He claims that despite his mother, Eliannis Ramírez, making efforts to seek proper medical attention outside of Cuba, the child has been denied at the U.S. Embassy in Havana due to the lack of several documents that should have been provided in a timely manner by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) of the island.
Officials denied the necessary visa to travel to Miami for treatment at Nicklaus Children’s, as a letter of authorization from the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba (MINSAP) was required.
However, the MINSAP refused to provide such documentation, arguing that Cuba has the necessary resources to treat the minor.
This case has drawn criticism towards MINSAP from human rights activists, who point out that bureaucracy and obstacles imposed by health authorities hinder patients with serious conditions from accessing treatment abroad.
The struggle of Damir and his mother has attracted international attention, with figures like Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar joining the call for the child's health.
The article also reveals that Damir is in a critical condition, with health complications including paralysis in his legs, partial blindness, and a tumor affecting his spinal cord.
Despite her mother's efforts to raise funds for her treatment, the situation remains desperate: "I have asked for help everywhere and no one seems to care. I am desperate," stated Eliannis Ramírez, as reported by the newspaper.
It also emphasizes that Eliannis "is not the only mother who has challenged the system or fought for better care for her children" in a medical powerhouse that is increasingly unable to guarantee the health of minors in need of cancer treatments or organ transplants.
Currently, an account on the GoFundMe platform that aims to raise $40,000 for the child's medical expenses has raised $31,700. The child is currently hospitalized in
Frequently Asked Questions about the case of the Cuban boy Damir Ortiz and the crisis of the healthcare system in Cuba
Who is Damir Ortiz and what is his current medical condition?
Damir Ortiz is a 10-year-old Cuban boy who suffers from neurofibromatosis type 1 and faces serious health complications, including a plexiform neurofibroma in his right eye and a possible leukemia. His condition is critical, with paralysis in his legs, partial blindness, and kidney damage. He is currently in intensive care at the Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital in Havana.
Why can't Damir receive treatment in the United States?
Damir cannot receive treatment in the United States due to the refusal of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba (MINSAP) to issue the necessary documentation for him to obtain a humanitarian visa. Although a hospital in Miami has agreed to treat him, MINSAP argues that Cuba has the necessary resources for his treatment, a claim that has been challenged by activists and his mother.
What has Damir's mother done to support her son?
Damir's mother, Eliannis Ramírez, has made multiple complaints about the precariousness of the Cuban healthcare system and the lack of resources to treat her son. She has attempted to obtain humanitarian visas without success and has sought international support. Additionally, she has participated in fundraising campaigns on GoFundMe, which have so far raised over $26,000.
How has the Cuban government responded to the case of Damir Ortiz?
The Cuban government has used Damir's case as an example of its healthcare system, stating that the child has received specialized medical care and access to expensive treatments. However, this stance has been criticized by activists and Damir's relatives, who denounce the lack of resources and the political use of the case.
What can the international community do to help Damir?
The international community can support Damir Ortiz's case by pressing the Cuban government to issue the necessary documentation for his transfer. You can contribute to fundraising on platforms like GoFundMe and use social media to raise awareness of the case and demand a solution that allows the child to receive the treatment he needs.
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