A Cuban devoted to Afro-Cuban religion has shared on social media the process of setting up her throne in honor of Oshún, the orisha of love, fertility, and wealth in Santería.
Through a video posted on TikTok, the user @maite_oshun showed how she is preparing her altar with yellow fabrics and lace, a color representative of this deity.
In the recording, the young woman is seen stapling yellow fabrics to the wall of a corner in her house, shaping a sacred space dedicated to the orisha.
"My throne for my room Eddún of Kariosha", he wrote in the video, referring to one of the ceremonies within the consecration process in Santería.
In Afro-Cuban religion, the throne is a sacred space created to celebrate rituals and pay tribute to the orishas. Oshún, associated in the Yoruba pantheon with Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, the patroness of Cuba, is known for her connection to sweetness, love, and prosperity.
The followers of this belief often set up thrones adorned with the colors and elements associated with each orisha. In the case of Oshún, yellow and gold prevail, along with fans, mirrors, and offerings such as honey, pumpkins, and sunflowers.
The video has generated various reactions among TikTok users, especially among practitioners and supporters of Santería, who have praised the dedication and respect with which the Cuban is setting up her altar.
Santería, a practice of Yoruba origin brought to Cuba by enslaved Africans during the colonial period, remains one of the most deeply rooted religions on the island and among the Cuban diaspora.
Her ceremonies and rituals, although often held in private spaces, have found in social media a new channel to be shared with the world.
Frequently Asked Questions about Santería and the Oshún Altar
What is a throne in Santería and what does it represent for Oshún?
A throne in Santería is a sacred space that is created to celebrate rituals and pay tribute to the orishas. In the case of Oshún, the throne is usually decorated with colors and elements that represent this deity, such as yellow, gold, fans, mirrors, and offerings like honey, pumpkins, and sunflowers.
Who is Oshún in Santería?
Oshún is one of the most revered orishas in Cuban santería, and she is associated with love, fertility, beauty, sensuality, and freshwater, especially rivers. She is seen as a maternal, kind, and protective deity, but she can also be strong and assertive when necessary.
Why are social media used to share Santería rituals?
Social media has become an important channel for sharing Santería rituals because it allows practitioners to showcase their traditions and beliefs to the world. Although these rituals are often performed in private spaces, digital platforms provide an opportunity to spread knowledge about these practices and their cultural significance.
What does the color yellow symbolize in rituals dedicated to Oshún?
The color yellow is representative of Oshún and symbolizes the joy, love, and prosperity that this deity brings to her devotees. The thrones and altars dedicated to Oshún are often decorated with this color to invoke her presence and blessings.
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