Iván Pedroso
Olympic champion Jordan Díaz wants to take his family out of Cuba: "I have bought a house."
Subcampeón olímpico Juan Miguel Echevarría vuelve al equipo Cuba de atletismo
Yulimar Rojas misses the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Cuban trainers refine diamonds in other regions
Triple jumper Alexis Copello: "I left the best of my life competing for Cuba"
Cuban high jumper Iván Pedroso receives the Legend Mark Award in Spain
Jordan Díaz podrá representar a España en las Olimpiadas de Paris 2024
World record holder Yulimar Rojas jokes about painting
Iván Pedroso: the Cuban coach of champions
Ana Peleteiro thanks the Cuban Iván Pedroso: "He pulled me out of absolute misery when I was a 65-kilo girl."
Récord mundial para triplista venezolana Yulimar Rojas en Tokio
Aliuska López: "I hope to return to Cuba permanently someday."
Iván Pedroso habla de un "problema serio" que tuvo antes de los Juegos Olímpicos: la muerte de su madre