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Olympic runner-up Juan Miguel Echevarría returns to the Cuban athletics team

The Cuban jumper joins the team of star Iván Pedroso in Spain with the aim of achieving his presence at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Juan Miguel Echevarría (i) y junto a Iván Pedroso (d) © World Athletics y Juan Miguel Echevarría
Juan Miguel Echevarría (i) and with Iván Pedroso (d) Photo © World Athletics and Juan Miguel Echevarría

The Cuban long jumperJuan Miguel Echevarría announced his return to the Cuban athletics team ahead of the Paris Olympic Games in the coming month of July.

25 years old and silver medalist in the previous event under the five rings, in Tokyo 2020,Echevarría had requested the withdrawal of the Cuban national team in 2022 "due to personal problems" and a year later he began training with the Benfica club in Portugal.

“I have fulfilled the dream of joining the team of the great Iván Pedroso,” Echevarría said in his account.Instagram last Saturday.

“And from today we will work for more dreams, the first to achieve the required mark for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, with the desire to compete and continue giving triumphs to Cuba,” announced the also world champion in Birmingham, 2018 and bronze in Doha, 2019.

According to the digital portalJIT, the athletics authorities on the island welcomed the announcement, knowing the possibilities of medals that the integration of the jumper into the Cuban delegation gives them.

“Just as we respect your decision to try new paths, we applaud your willingness to return to our national team,” said the vice president of the Cuban Athletics Federation,Maria Caridad Colon.

Full of praise, the board mentioned that "we know his capacity for dedication, and we know that with good concentration he can regain his best form, motivated by the desire to achieve the mark for the coming Olympic Games."

For his part, the national commissioner of disciplineRolando Charroo He assured that “given the lack of elements that would disqualify him, his case would be added to the reinsertion policy in force for Cuban sports.”

Upon joining the preparation groupIvan Pedroso, based in Guadalajara, a city in Spain, the Cuban joins the list of prestigious athletes that include:Ana Peleteiro, Yulimar Rojas, Jordan Diaz, Tessy Ebosele, the PortugueseTiago Pereira, the paralympicIvan Cano or, before, FrenchTeddy Thamgo.

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