Eggplant stew

Kitchen, Additional dish

Kitchen, Additional dish

Preparation Time:
1 berenjena grande o dos pequeñas 5 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 3 cebollas pequeñas 6 dientes de ajo 3 pimientos 3 tomates grandes ¼ taza de vino seco 1 hoja de laurel Comino, Orégano, Perejil, Romero, Albahaca, Tomillo, Eneldo, Estragón y otras hierbas provenzales 1 cucharaditas de sal
Wash the eggplants and cut them into small cubes without peeling them. Sauté in olive oil with salt for 15 minutes. Add the sliced peppers, quartered tomatoes, onion sliced into rings, dry wine, salt, and any other Provençal herbs and spices. Cook covered on low heat for 45 minutes. Serve with slices of bread.