Fried Milk | Photo © CiberCuba Cocina
CiberCuba Cocina

Fried Milk

Preparation time:
Fried Milk is a homemade dessert that came to Cuba with Spanish emigrants. You will rarely be able to find this sweet in a pastry shop. The ingredients: milk, eggs, flour, cinnamon and sugar are the basics of many desserts in world cuisine. It is difficult for Cubans to gather them all at once, perhaps that is why I only ate this dessert at my grandmother's house in the countryside, where there were chickens and cows, but no cinnamon. I cannot prove that Leche Frita was a well-known dessert in Cuba. But I can assure you that I have seen my family do it, even with powdered milk. Our readers, with their comments and anecdotes, will have the last word on this topic.

For the cream or curdled milk

  • 750ml whole milk
  • 100g icing sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 80g Cornmeal
  • 40g butter

To fry milk

  • 1 cup olive or sunflower oil
  • 100g wheat flour
  • 1 egg (and you can add the 3 egg whites left over from preparing the cream)
  • 100g white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

The first step is to flavor the milk, but you must first separate a glass for the next step. Then put the rest of the milk in a saucepan, over medium heat. When it starts to boil, remove it from the heat, add the lemon zest, butter and vanilla. Cover it and reserve it.

Ingredients of Fried Milk / CiberCuba Cocina

Separate the yolks and whites of 3 eggs. Put the yolks in a deep bowl and mix them with the icing sugar. Reserve the 3 egg whites because you can use them later for topping.

In the glass of milk that you had reserved before infusing the milk, dilute the Cornstarch. Add this mixture to the yolks with sugar, beat well until everything is integrated and set aside.

We return to the milk that has been boiled and infused with lemon, butter and cinnamon. Strain the milk and put it back on the heat. When it comes to a boil, add the mixture of egg yolks, sugar, milk and cornstarch. We stir continuously with a wooden spoon, as it will begin to thicken very quickly and we must not let it stick to the bottom. When you pass the spoon and you can see the bottom of the pot, it is ready to take it off the heat.

Milk Dough / CiberCuba Cuisine

Pour the milk mass into a mold previously greased with butter. As it cools it will solidify. Cover it with transparent film or cover the mold, so that it does not form a crust. Put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, although overnight is best. When it is solid and cool, turn it over, carefully so as not to break it, onto a large tray or cutting board. Cut into equal pieces, rectangular or square, as you prefer.

To coat, we will first pass each square of solid milk, through flour and then through beaten egg. To this egg I usually add the egg whites left over from the first preparation to take advantage of everything.

Pieces of milk passed through flour and egg / CiberCuba Cocina

Fry them in a pan with plenty of oil. If you use a small frying pan you will need less fat, it is about covering each portion approximately halfway with the oil. You should fry them for approximately 2 minutes on each side. Back and forth until they are golden brown on both sides. Place them on absorbent paper to drain excess fat.

Fried Milk on absorbent paper / CiberCuba Cocina

When you have them all fried, pass them through a mixture of white sugar and cinnamon powder. Plate them beautifully and serve.

This recipe takes many steps, but with practice they can be simplified.

Fried Milk with sugar and cinnamon / CiberCuba Cocina

I hope you enjoy the Fried Milk. Enjoy your meal!!
