milk flan

Kitchen, Desserts

Preparation time:
45 min
Leche flan is one of the most delicious desserts that Cubans eat. Many people know the recipe, there are even different versions. Here we show you the most traditional one. Enjoy it!!
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 cup of cow's milk
  • 1 cdta. de vanilla
Heat half a cup of sugar until it melts and cover a flan mold with that caramel. Beat the eggs and add the condensed milk, cow's milk and vanilla. Mix well and put it in the caramel mold. Cook it in a bain-marie (insert the mold in a saucepan with water) with three-quarters of a cup of water, to prevent it from entering the flan when boiling. It will take approximately 20 or 25 minutes. To check, insert a toothpick that should come out dry. If you have a pressure cooker, it is best to use a mold with a lid. And if you do it in the oven it takes about 45 minutes at 190ºC (375ºF). Remember that each oven has its own characteristics. In any case, don't lose sight of it. Let it cool and turn it onto a tray or deep plate so that you can preserve the delicious caramel and coat each portion with a teaspoon of it.