Chef Ivan para CiberCuba Cocina
Chicken Tartlets or Pastries | Photo © Chef Ivan for CiberCuba Cocina

Chicken pastries

Kitchen, Main dish

Preparation Time:
Pastries, pies, or tarts are generally made with shortcrust pastry. They are very common recipes in international cuisine and frequent in Cuban food. Although on the Island we usually use this pastry for sweet dishes, today we present a rich and easy recipe to make. It is ideal for hosting guests at home or for bringing to a party and surprising everyone with a delicious taste of Cuba. We hope you enjoy it. You can prepare it using one of the two sauces presented by Chef Iván as a base. In this case, he chose a delicious béchamel to cook the chicken.
  • 520 grams of shortcrust pastry to make the base of the cake or tartlets.
  • 1 cup of bĂ©chamel sauce
  • 1 cup of boiled vegetables
  • 500 grams of chicken breast cut into cubes
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1 cup of tomato sauce (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

First, you should bake the dough and set aside the tartlets or pies. Then choose how you want your chicken pastries to be filled, with a tomato sauce base or a béchamel base. Prepare one of the two sauces that Chef Iván shows in the video.

Tartlet dough ready to bake / CiberCuba Cocina

The Tomato Sauce is inspired by the famous sauce used in Cuba known as Vita Nuova. In contrast, the Bechamel, which was the option chosen by the Chef, is of French origin. It is a basic sauce in international cuisine and combines wonderfully with chicken.

Chicken Tarts / Chef Iván for CiberCuba Cocina

Once you have your sauce ready and the dough baked, start the recipe by following the steps shown by the chef in the video and that we narrate to you below:

  1. Peel the onion and mix it with the vegetables. Cook them over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  2. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and brown it in the pan over high heat until it is cooked to perfection.
  3. Add the vegetables with the onion and when they are well integrated, add the sauce of your choice.
  4. Let it simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes so that all the flavors combine.
  5. Fill the tartlets and decorate them with finely chopped parsley or a touch of ground pepper.

Enjoy your meal!!
