Banana piononos | Photo © CiberCuba Cocina
CiberCuba Cocina

Banana piononos

Preparation time:
Bananas are an ideal food to recover energy after great physical effort. It is a fruit rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid. The color of the skin indicates the degree of maturity and if you notice spots or dark spots you should not discard them because this does not mean that the quality of the piece is affected. There are many types of bananas, but they are easily differentiated based on their size, shape and color. Each variety has its flavor and different ways of eating or cooking it. Generally, we Cubans prepare the plantain in fufú, chicharritas, tostones, or we let it ripen to make it fried. This recipe is made with very ripe banana. The pionones are very easy to make. In the book Cocina al Minuto, Nitza Villapol prepares them with minced meat, makes the rolls and fries them, but this time we will make them with bacon and cheese and we will bake them, because the ingredients we use provide enough fat.
  • 2 male or donkey bananas, ripe
  • 100 grams of smoked bacon in flakes
  • 100 grams of thinly sliced Emmental cheese
  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley to garnish

Wash and peel ripe bananas. Cut them lengthwise into thin slices, approximately 5 slices come out of each banana.

Bananas, bacon and cheese / CiberCuba Cocina

Cut the cheese into thin strips of similar size and thickness as the banana slices. Separate the bacon strips to make preparation faster.

Heat the oven to 220ºC (428ºF). Grease a baking sheet or muffin tins lightly with vegetable oil.

Flakes of the 3 ingredients ordered to make the roll / CiberCuba Cocina

Place a strip of banana on top of a strip of bacon and put a slice of cheese on top. That is, there should be bacon, banana and cheese. Roll them as tightly as possible and place each roll in the mold. If you don't have a mold, prick the banana roll with a toothpick that goes through it from side to side to prevent it from opening when baking.

3 Banana Piononos skewered with a baking skewer / CiberCuba Cocina

Bake at 220ºC (428ºF) for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Take them out of the oven, decorate them and serve immediately.

Freshly baked piononos / CiberCuba Cocina

Another option for this recipe is to make them with minced meat. Cut the bananas into slices, fry them until golden brown and let them cool. Spread each banana slice with 1 tablespoon of picadillo. Then roll it up and stick 1 or 2 toothpicks through it so it doesn't open. Dip the rolls in the egg beaten with salt and fry them until golden brown.

Ripe plantain piononos with bacon and cheese / CiberCuba Cocina

Serve hot. To decorate them, I recommend giving them a green touch with parsley or chives, but light, so that the sweetness of the banana pine nuts stands out.

Enjoy your meal!!
