Tomato soup

Kitchen, First course
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4 ripe salad tomatoes 1½ cup of water 2 tsp. of salt 1 piece of onion or garlic joint 1 tbsp. condensed milk 2 tbsp. wheat flour 3 tbsp. of water 1 tbsp. of butter ⅛ tsp. pepper
Wash the tomatoes. Cut them into pieces and put them in a cup and a half of boiling water with the salt and the onion or garlic. Let them simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain them and pass all the pulp through a sieve to make like a tomato broth. Slide the condensed milk and flour into the 3 tablespoons of water and add it to the broth. Strain everything again. Put it on the heat and cook until it comes to a boil and thickens, stirring constantly. When serving the soup, add the butter and pepper to taste.