Cuba runs out of paper for the 2022 supply books

The Mincin points out that there are delays in “the import of raw materials” for “the printing, preparation and distribution of supply books for 2022.”

Cubano con una libreta de abastecimiento (referencial) © Captura de video / CiberCuba
Cuban with a supply booklet (referential) Photo © Video Capture / CiberCuba

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban authorities reported that the country does not have paper for the preparation of supply books corresponding to the year 2022.

The information, published by theInternal Commerce Ministry (Mincin) points out that there are delays in “the import of raw materials” for “the printing, preparation and distribution of supply books for 2022.”

“Starting in January, entries will be made for the winery's products on the pages for January and February 2021,” until the situation is resolved, the text adds.

Clarifies that, to avoid confusion, products purchased in 2021 will be crossed out before making entries for the new year.

Likewise, the number 22 will be written in the new notes and then the product, the quantity to be shipped and the date of purchase will be written, for example: 22-Rice 28/30 and 22-Coffee 2/30, the statement specified.

The Mincin assures thatthe new notebooks They could be available before January 30 of next year, and once this happens the information on their pages will be updated.

The population did not take long to react to this announcement – previously published on the Telegram page of the official newspaper.The Artemiseño– with comments pointing outthe crisis that the country lives in, where there is no paper for banking activities either.

Information published in El Artemiseño. Screenshot

“Do not be scared by the raw material of the notebooks, if there is no paper in the Banco de la República to give you the receipt for the operation you carry out,” commented an Internet user on the Facebook page of the Provincial Government of Camagüey.

Another reported that the Oficoda of that province is closed and the workers told him that they were making the notebooks.

“Then can someone tell me why the office is closed in the afternoon, claiming that the colleagues have been preparing the notebooks since December 5?” he questioned.

Likewise, a Cuban woman stated that with what they give for the booklet the government could extend its use for a five-year period.

“Oh please don't stress about giving new ones if the pages of the 2021 ones are empty. Ridiculous,” alleged another.

Cubans assure that the basic basket products that the government sells them through the supply book are not enough for them even for the first week of the month.

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