Cuban government promises to deliver one more kilogram of rice in April and May

The regime will deliver an extra kilogram of rice for the book in April and May, thanks to a donation received from China.

The Cuban government promised to deliver an extra kilogram of rice to the population, through the supply book, during the months of April and May.

In the programFrom the Presidency the governorMiguel Diaz-Canel and the Minister of Internal Trade, Betsy Díaz, assured Cubans that the rice for the April quota is already in the country and will be delivered within the established time.

"We have received donations of rice that allow us to add one more kilogram for the population in the month of April and May," said the minister and assured that there will be grains, coffee, oil and chicken in the April quota.

In Díaz-Canel's opinion, "April and May will be months with better prospects." However, the first week of April is already ending and many Cubans have not received their full quota of rice for March.

"The greatest aspiration is with the seven pounds, because that takes a little longer for distribution. It is possible that even though we have the rice in the country, we make the decision to give four pounds, locate the product and then give the other three pounds," the minister explained.

In total, the government plans to deliver 9 pounds of rice to the population in April through the supply book. Two pounds will be free. It won't come all at once, but little by little.

This Wednesday the first part of arice donation for the Cuban population, coming from China.

The first shipment is 68 tons of rice. In total there will be 408 tons that will be received little by little and are intended to mitigate the food shortage suffered by Cubans.

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