Government of Santiago de Cuba turns to private transporters to distribute the basic basket

The government of Santiago de Cuba is considering using private transporters to distribute basic products, in an attempt to prevent future protests.

In its desperate effort to avoid another social outbreak like the one on March 17, the government of Santiago de Cuba admitted that private transporters could be used to distribute products in the regulated basic basket.

Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, first secretary of the PCC in the province, assured that to distribute milk, bread, rice and sugar, state transportation will be used in the territory in the first instance, “and individuals who are also in a position to do so.” "reported the officialBig Turquino.

In the same city where the lack of food was one of the triggers for the largest protests held in Cuba in recent years, the party leader explained that the solution for the delivery of the basic basket will be done “without trauma and with it everyone comes.” ”.

The decision to release a group of products that are delivered through the ration book and their accelerated distribution has put the territory's leaders in check, Johnson admitted.

Typically, difficulties in transportation and the lack of adequate infrastructure delay the arrival of products to the different points of sale.

However, the Cuban regime has well learned the lesson of expediting the delivery of food from the dwindling ration book when conditions are conducive to a social outbreak.

This was the technique they used to silence the people of Santiago de Cuba when, after the events of March 17,They distributed three pounds of rice in towns that came out to protest.

However, problems in the distribution of regulated products hurt people throughout the country.

The official journalist Jesús Álvarez López, from the Villa Clara network CMHW, expressed his indignation with the current shortage of bread,one of the worst in the history of Cuba.

“Of course, if there is no bread for the family, you should not appear for any meeting or visit because it would violate the Code of Ethics,”Álvarez López said this Tuesday in a Facebook post.

In the province of Guantánamothe government admitted not having rice and sugar, two of the most important products in the Cuban diet, to complete the basic regulated family basket for the month of March.

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