Seven people injured by electric shock in Holguín

One of the injured people suffered cardiac arrest and is in critical condition in hospital in Moa. The surrogate is out of danger, according to local media.

Atención de heridos por caída de rayo en Moa © Facebook/Rubiel De La Cruz Rabí
Care for injured by lightning strike in Moa Photo © Facebook/Rubiel De La Cruz Rabí

Seven people, including a pregnant woman, were injured by theimpact of an electric shock this Monday afternoon in Moa, Holguín.

The incident occurred outside the building of the Nickel Union Services Company (ESUNI), when the center's workers were waiting for transportation to return to their homes, according to preliminary information from the telecenter journalist.Moa TV, Rubiel de la Cruz Rabbi.

"Of the seven injured,a woman is reported in critical condition whilethe pregnant woman is out of danger. The highest authorities of the municipality are at the Guillermo Luis Hospital, where those affected are treated," the reporter wrote in his profile.Facebook.

Facebook Capture / Rubiel De La Cruz Rabí

In a post on the same social network, the Holguín channelTelecrystal He stated that the electric shock occurred at approximately 4:00 p.m. and reached the ESUNI workers who were leaving the facility, after passing through the access gate.

Bárbaro Aguilera Pelegrín, health and safety specialist of the Emergency Group of the Comandante Pedro Sotto Alba Company, told the press that his team quickly went to the scene, after hearing the cries for help, since the company is located a few meters from the site where the impact occurred. lightning.

Upon arrival, three workers who had received the electric shock directly were lying on the ground; andOne of them, in serious condition, underwent artificial resuscitation after suffering cardiac arrest, as revealed by the same source.

The injured were immediately taken to the Dr. Guillermo Luis Fernández Hernández Baquero Hospital, in Moa, but upon arriving at the medical center, the most affected woman once again went into cardiac arrest and received the attention of special care specialists.

"At the momentThe patient is reported to be critical and is treated in the Intensive Care room. from the Moa Hospital, and the other two patients are stable," the report stated.

Until the time of writing this note, the authorities have not revealed the identity of the injured or the evolution of their health status.

Electric shocks are first cause of death due to natural phenomena in Cuba, as revealed last year by a study by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET).

Between 1987 and 2017, an annual average of 54 people died due to lightning strikes. During that period, a total of1,742 deaths from this cause in the country, a figure much higher than that left by hurricanes, tornadoes and heavy rain events.

The province where the most deaths were documented in those three decades due to electric shocks are Granma, with 249 deaths; followed by Holguín, which had 186; Camagüey, 161; and Santiago de Cuba, 147.

The month in which the most deaths were reported was July, with 376, while in second and third place are August, with 363, and June, 361.

Although the highest percentage of occurrence of thunderstorms is located south of Pinar del Río (particularly in the area of San Juan and Martínez), the center of Matanzas and Mayabeque, a large amount occurs in mountainous areas of Holguín, Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo.

A few years ago a tragedy that occurred in Camagüey emerged, where two people died and two others ended up in serious condition due to an electric shock in the municipality of Florida. Thesudden lightning strike, around 3:25 p.m., affected 14 people who were traveling along the La Playa highway, km 19.

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