Woman who was struck by lightning in Holguín dies

The deceased worked as a Specialist in Economic Management at ESUNI.

La víctima mortal de descarga eléctrica en Moa, Holguín © Facebook/Leonor Legrá Lobaina
The fatal victim of electric shock in Moa, Holguín Photo © Facebook/Leonor Legrá Lobaina

In the last few hours, one of the seven people who were injured this Monday afternoon died due to the impact of lightning in the vicinity of the Nickel Union Services Company (ESUNI) building in the municipality.Moa, province ofHolguin.

The victim, identified asDunielquis Fonseca Borges, worked as a Specialist in Economic Management at ESUNI, according to journalist Rubiel de la Cruz Rabí, from the Telecentro, on social networks.Moa TV.

Facebook capture/Rubiel de La Cruz Rabía

The woman who died She was admitted in critical condition in the Intensive Care Room of the Moa Hospital since the unfortunate accident occurred.

Facebook capture/Leonor Legra Lobaina

The death of Dunielquis Fonseca Borges - who was known as "Muma" - has left deep regret and sadness among those who knew her, as evidenced by several comments on social networks.

"This loss is regrettable, an excellent companion, a very good person, another bad trick of fate, my deepest condolences to the family," wrote a close friend.

Hetragic incident It took place shortly before 4 in the afternoon (local time) when a group of workers from the Nickel Union Services Company were waiting for the transport that would take them home.

Bárbaro Aguilera Pelegrín, health and safety specialist of the Emergency Group of the Comandante Pedro Sotto Alba Company, said in statements to the press that his team quickly went to the scene after hearing the cries for help, since the company is a few meters away. from the place where the lightning struck.

Arriving,Dunielkis Fonseca Borges and two other workers who had received the electric shock were on the ground.

The Fonseca Borges They performed artificial resuscitation on him after suffering cardiac arrest in the same place where the lightning struck. While already admitted to the Dr. Guillermo Luis Fernández Hernández Baquero Hospital, Dunielkis Fonseca went into cardiac arrest again.

Although at first she managed to overcome the two arrests, unfortunately the patient could not overcome her critical condition and ended up dying.

The other two affected women who remain in Special Care have been identified as Elba Rosa Gómez and Yoandra Silva Gómez, the latter a pregnant woman who maintains favorable progress.

Electric shocks are first cause of death due to natural phenomena in Cuba, as revealed in 2022 by a study by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET).

Between 1987 and 2017, an annual average of 54 people died due to lightning strikes. During that period there were a total of1,742 deaths from this cause in the country, a figure much higher than that left by hurricanes, tornadoes and intense rains.

The province where the most deaths were documented in those three decades due to electric shocks are Granma (249), Holguín (186), Camagüey (161) and Santiago de Cuba (147). The month in which the most deaths were reported was July (376), August (363) and June (361).

Although the highest percentage of thunderstorms is located south of Pinar del Río (in the area of San Juan and Martínez), the center of Matanzas and Mayabeque, a large amount occurs in mountainous areas of Holguín, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo.

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