Relatives, friends, colleagues and relatives of the young personAnthony Fernando Columbia Azaharez They said their last goodbye at his funeral in the city of Guantánamo.
A crowd of people attended the funeral services of the young man, whotook his life the previous week, for reasons that have not been revealed in the publications of his family and friends.
Dozens of posts and messages have flooded social networks lamenting his departure and highlighting his values as a person, son, brother and faithful friend.
“Ito mi mol, may God illuminate your path and keep you in his holy glory. “EPD my child,” was the message from one of his relatives.
“Friend in good times and bad, we will always carry you and remember you with joy and happiness forever in our hearts, from your brothers, family and hearts, brother never abandon us and always guide us because without knowing it you were always an example , we want you to be with us every second of this life, like you always did Ito. Keep in mind that we will always love you CHAMPION”, was the message from a large group of the young man's friends, with whom he appears photographed.
“Fly high my brother. God bless you. You don't know how much pain you have left in the hearts of the people who loved you, rest in peace,” said one of his friends. “Now my circle of true brothers is smaller, Anthony Fernando Columbié Azaharez. You left me my brother. Now you are an angel, you only have to guide us to the people who loved you, guide us on the right path,” said another.
“My blood, we love you forever in this life and in the next, we will never forget you”; “Wherever you are, I will love you, my beautiful boy, it is forbidden to forget you,” were other signs of affection towards the young Anthony, who was known as Ito.
In the middle of the year, the Cuban government located thesuicide among the 10 main causes of death in Cuba during 2022.
Although it indicates them as the tenth cause of death among Cubans last year, the report from theMINSAP did not make the suicide figures public, which he calls “intentionally self-inflicted injuries,” in the regime's usual euphemistic language.
Only in the month that just ended did they meetseveral cases of suicide through publications on networks.
At the beginning of Augustyoung doctor who worked at the University of Medical Sciences of the province of Las Tunastook his life, causing a great commotion among his family, friends and relatives.
Days later, anotheryoung man of barely 20 years who had recently left Military Service committed suicide in his home in the province of Holguín, they confirmed toCyberCuba their families.
Another young man from Holguín toofatally attempted on his life.
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