Procession of the Virgin of Charity of Cobre through the streets of Havana

The Virgin of Charity made a pilgrimage through the streets of El Vedado on the eve of her day.

Dozens of Cubans joined the procession of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre through the streets of the Plaza de la Revolución municipality.

The Cuban Catholic Church organized the procession of the Virgin of Charity in the area of El Vedado. It started in the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at 6:00 pm, on the eve of the day of celebration of the saint, which is this September 8.

Procession / Pedro Luis García, CiberCuba

This procession is considered an achievement for the devotees of the Patroness of Cuba because A few days ago the regime banned to the Catholic community of Esmeralda, in Camagüey, to carry out the procession of the Virgin of Charity at night. The ceremony was scheduled for September 8 but they gave permission to do it.

Procession / Pedro Luis García, CiberCuba

In images sent to CyberCuba by the collaborator Pedro Luis Garcia, you can see part of the journey that the Havana people took accompanying this dedication to the Holy Mother of God, Mary.

Procession / Pedro Luis García, CiberCuba

In the Cuban religious tradition, marked by syncretism, the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre It is also revered as the Yoruba goddess Oshún.

Procession / Pedro Luis García, CiberCuba

History tells that the image of the Virgin of Charity appeared in Nipe Bay between 1604 and 1613. The most famous version tells that it was found by three slaves from the El Cobre open-pit mine and they took it out of the sea and They took her to the town where she is venerated to this day in its Sanctuary.

Procession / Pedro Luis García, CiberCuba

On May 10, 1916, Pope Benedict XV proclaimed as Patron Saint of Cuba to the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre.

Facebook Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz

This devotion to Mary, Mother of God, is known by names such as Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, the Mother of Cuba, the Virgin Mambisa, the Patroness of Cubans, Cachita, Oshún, the Queen of Fresh Water, among others. others.

No matter what they call her, for millions of Cubans this virgin is more than words or a pretty image in a church. It's a authentic feeling of love, devotion and faith that is nourished by a mysterious common identity root.

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