State Security to Cubalex lawyer: “In Cuba the authorities violate the law and it will continue to do so”

“The second thing they told me is that the demand is valid and protected by law, but that in Cuba the authorities violated the law and that this would continue to be the case as long as the Revolution exists,” said Ferrer Tamayo.

El presidente de la ANPP, Esteban Lazo, y el abogado Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo © Captura de video YouTube / Canal Caribe - Facebook / Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo
The president of the ANPP, Esteban Lazo, and the lawyer Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo Photo © YouTube video capture / Canal Caribe - Facebook / Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo

LawyerJulio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo, member of the non-governmental organization teamCubalex, was arrested this Friday, September 22, on public roads and subjected to an “interview” by the police.State Security of the Cuban regime.

Two days before the arrest, Ferrer Tamayo filed a lawsuit against theNational Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) before theChamber of Protection of Constitutional Rights of the Supreme Court, demanding that parliament approvea Law that guarantees the free exercise of the right to demonstration and assembly which is included in the Cuban Constitution itself.

The process, initiated through legal means contemplated in the regime's own regulations, caused discomfort among the authorities and led to the arbitrary arrest of Cubalex's lawyer, who was taken to the Infanta and Manglar police station, known as the Fourth Unit, in patrol car 114 (tank leader number 03510).

According to the account of the events presented by the NGO, two State Security agents were waiting for him in said police unit and threatened Ferrer Tamayo so that he would put aside his legal actions against the ANPP.

“They informed me of two things: suggesting that I stop those actions that, although they were legally protected, it was better to concentrate on personal issues and stop those legal actions against the authorities. At this point I responded that this was also something personal because as a citizen of this country I have the right to take any legal action for the benefit of Cubans,” the jurist explained.

Ferrer Tamayo, a lawyer with an unusual profile in the Cuban profession, dedicated to the defense of activists for democracy and human rights, is known for his commitment to the cases he defends.

Lawyer for activists likeTania Bruguera OMaykel Osorbo, Ferrer Tamayo presented at the end of November 2020 acomplaint against the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel for the crime of "propagation of epidemics", by calling and appearing in Trillo Park in Havana to officiate a tangana of revolutionary reaffirmation, in full confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In October 2022, Cubalex's lawyer asked Cuban Television toput an end to the reports of presenter Humberto López, in which he assumes the role of jurist and interpreter of the law to threaten Cuban activists and intimidate the population.

This Friday, in an attack of furious sincerity typical of the regime's repressors, State Security agents explained to Ferrer Tamayo that, despite the legal validity of his claim against the ANPP, it was not going to succeed.

“The second thing they told me is that the demand is valid and is protected by law, but that in Cuba the authorities were violating the law and that this would continue to be the case as long as the Revolution exists.”, said the Cubalex jurist.

After half an hour of “interview”, Ferrer Tamayo was released.

The lawsuit filed last Wednesday by Cubalex's lawyer against the ANPP in the figure of its presidentJuan Esteban Lazo Hernandez, requests that a bill be presented to allow demonstrations and meetings to be held for lawful and peaceful purposes.

In itwebsite From the NGO you can read the full content of Ferrer Tamayo's demand which, among other things, requests “the approval of a Law that develops and makes effective the provisions of Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, presenting consequently the pertinent Project of said Law, which regulates the process for the authorization and holding of demonstrations and meetings for lawful and peaceful purposes; [as well as] the creation by the Cuban State of the conditions required for the full exercise of that constitutional right by citizens.”

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