Boncó drives a Lada through Miami: "They look at you more with this than with a Mercedes"

"It's been a while since I raised the window with the handle"

Boncó Quiñongo He showed his followers the experience he had of driving a Lada through Miami.

With his usual sense of humor, Boncó narrates the experience, somewhere between amused and surprised.

"True, yes... the clutch," he says when starting the car, alluding to the 'lost' habit since in Miami most of the cars are automatic.

"Asere, I'm driving a Lada all over Miami, a brick. Look, why not that, third... I haven't driven for a while, change, my consort," he adds in the video broadcast live, where the expression of his face is almost more eloquent than his words.

"A man who is a man knows how to handle change," he said jokingly.

"Asere, what a tough rudder; gentleman, this is what he had in Cuba, what kind of a tough rudder," he comments with a laugh, continuing to express his astonishment at being driving "a brick through Miami."

After that, take Calle 8 to continue your route between accelerations and gear changes.

"Driving a brick dog through Miami, really watering like Manolo," he continues commenting on his journey in which he also showed how the horn sounds.

"People look at you with this more than with a Mercedes," he also said while driving and you can hear, on some occasions, the whistle of other cars.

"I entered on 8th Street," he says upon returning to the workshop, where he commented 'dying laughing' about how long it had been since he had rolled up the window with the handle.

After that, showing off his great sense of humor, he remembered what the magic phrase was to roll down the windows in Cuba. "Who has the handle? Pass me the handle," said Boncó, who said that in Cuba he had a Moskvitch.

"It's true that nostalgia is nostalgia," he stated in the video, which he closed by showing his Mercedes: "It's not to speculate, but once you join a band like this..."

Before getting on, the beloved Cuban comedian had shown his followers the red Lada that he had found on La Calle Ocho.

"Smell of brick and everything," he said when entering the car, of which he showed details to his followers in his live broadcast: the ashtray, the lever, the engine, the spark plugs, the battery and other details, which he could not stop noticing. comment, between nostalgic and surprised.

But this is not the first time that a Lada has been seen in Miami. Last March fI saw one in Las Vegas, with the Cuban flag, at the intersection of Vegas Drive and North Rainbow Boulevard.

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