The return of the Cuban Divo will be in style

Eduardo Antonio will be accompanied by several stars on his return to the stage after his health problems. Alexis Valdés, Heyd González and Bonco are some of the Cuban artists who will be at his side.

Eduardo Antonio © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio
Eduardo Antonio Photo © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio

The return of Divo of Cuba It has a date, place and many luxury companions.

Eduardo Antonio marked November 5 as the day for his official return. An event that with each passing day has more star guests who will be next to the Cuban singer at this moment marked for him, who last September went through a delicate health situation that led him to be in intensive care.

Now, the Cuban is ready to meet his audience again and it will be at the Tamalazo.

New guests continue to be added to the list of artists who will be at his show at Tamalazo, as he himself announced on his Instagram profile, where he posted a poster in which they appear Bonco Quiñongo, Alexis Valdes, Heydy Gonzalez, Eddy Borges, The 3 of Havana, Rupert, Marytrini O Ramoncin Veloz, among others. Without a doubt, a show that promises fun and live music for all attendees.

With this long-awaited show, El Divo celebrates not only his return to the stage after his health problems, but also the first anniversary of his show at the well-known Miami restaurant.

While his fans wait for November 5 to see him live again and hear him sing, his latest release, "For the haters" continues to sweep and make everyone dance.

Here we leave you the song and its video clip so you can warm up for your big date:

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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