Boncó Quiñongo dedicates emotional words to his mother for her 80th birthday

The Cuban comedian celebrates his mother's new return to the sun and the blessing of having her "healthy and with those desires to live and continue giving the love that she has always given"

Boncó Quiñongo con su madre © Instagram / Boncó Quiñongo
Boncó Quiñongo with his mother Photo © Instagram / Boncó Quiñongo

Boncó Quiñongo is celebrating: his mother, Gisela Alvarez, turns 80 this Wednesday, January 31.

With several photos where they pose together and as a family, the Cuban actor and comedian celebrated on social networks the new return to the sun of his mother, whom he described as "a great woman, destined to give smiles and kindness and who took charge years later to give me life and more than that teach me to live it decently".

In her publication, she also told how the lady, who they affectionately call Tita, was experiencing such an important anniversary: "on a trip to Sweden where she went to visit the grave of her older sister who was her best friend and my other mother, Angela, to show him the love, affection and respect that they showed each other as sisters in life."

With a few words of gratitude to her for everything she has given him and to God for the blessing of being able to continue counting on her, he closed his emotional congratulations.

"Mommy, thank you for life and to God and also to Orula, thank you also for this blessing of still having her healthy and with those desires to live and continue giving that love that she has always given. I love you from the heart, I love you my love. You are my mother and that's how it will always be," he told her.

Good wishes for the birthday girl and congratulatory messages immediately began to appear.

"Many congratulations to our Tita. A spectacle of a woman, mother, friend and human being. Health and blessings," said Daisy Balmajó; "Congratulations to mommy," added Ulises Toirac, among the hundreds of messages that followed, both on Facebook and Instagram, Boncó's publication.

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