J Balvin wishes El Taiger success with his new album

Not only Cuban reggaeton artists support El Taiger in the launch of his new album, but also J Balvin!

To all the signs of support you are receiving The Taiger by Cuban colleagues for the release of their album, adds that of a world-class international artist: J Balvin.

The Colombian singer posted the cover of the Cuban's new album on his Instagram stories to wish him success in this project that has just seen the light of day.

A nice gesture on the part of the "Mi gente" interpreter that did not go unnoticed by Taiger, who reacted on his social networks to this mention.

"Successes El Taiger," reads J Balvin's story.

J Balvin sube historia de El Taiger
Capture Instagram

"Jose's things are speechless," the Cuban wrote on his Instagram wall along with a heart emoticon.

The new album by El Taiger, whose real name is José Manuel Carbajal Zaldívar, is available from December 15 on digital platforms. The album is made up of 12 songs and some of its titles are: "Ibiza", "Paula", "Madrid" or "Amiri".

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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