Taiger enjoys his daughter in Cuba

The Cuban reggaeton artist is taking advantage of his stay on the island to be with his family and also to record new audiovisuals.

The Taiger is in Cuba enjoying his family. After making us complicit in the emotional reunion he experienced with his grandmother and daughter upon his arrival to the island, the Cuban artist continues to document his stay in his native country on his social networks.

In a new video that he uploaded to Instagram, José Manuel Carbajal Zaldívar (real name of El Taiger) uploaded a tender video in which he appears with his ten-year-old daughter Yaliet, whom he takes on a piggyback ride.

"That's his truth and he knows it", wrote the Cuban reggaeton artist in the description of the post, which has touched his followers and other colleagues such as Charly and Johayron, who commented on the clip with emojis of faces with heart eyes.

When sharing his video of reuniting with his grandmother and daughter, El Taiger wrote: "The internet cannot be stronger than the customs with which you grew up on this island. Good son, good everything," implying that no criticism or Negative comment about visiting Cuba will prevent you from returning to your native island to be with your loved ones.

The reggaeton singer has been in Cuba for a few days, where in addition to enjoying his music it seems that he is also planning to release new music and in the stories he announced that he is looking for models for his next video clips, thus confirming thatHis plans include taking advantage of his stay on the island to record audiovisuals for his next songs.

What will El Taiger surprise you with?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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