The US repatriates 45 Cuban rafters two days before Christmas Eve

The migrants were traveling in a rustic boat.

Balsa encontrada por USCG © USCGSoutheast / Twitter
Raft found by USCG Photo © USCGSoutheast / Twitter

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) repatriated this Friday 45 Cuban rafters who were detained off the coast of Islamorada, in southern Florida.

According to one use From that entity, one of its crews notified the security guards of District Seven of Miami that a boat loaded with migrants was on December 11 at 1:00 pm, about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada.

An image published by the USCG shows that the rafters were traveling in a precarious rustic boat placed on a platform of what appears to be polyfoam.

Lt. Commander John W. Beal said the Coast Guard and its partners in Homeland Security Task Force Southeast will continue to patrol the Florida Straits and the Windward and Mona Passes during the Christmas holiday season to deter and intercept attempts of illegal maritime migration.

The Cuban migration crisis continues unstoppable amid a deterioration in living conditions on the Caribbean island. Coast Guard crews have returned 125 immigrants to Cuba in fiscal year 2024, which began October 1, 2023.

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