Car hits the fence of a house in Santiago de Cuba

The driver of the almendrón was reported to be in serious condition.

Imágenes del accidente © Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta
Images of the accident Photo © Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta

An almendron hit the fence of a house this Tuesday today on Carretera de Siboney, in the Sevilla neighborhood, on the outskirts of Santiago de Cuba.

, the driver of the car was taken to a city hospital and is reported to be in serious condition.

For their part, the residents of the home, who were sitting in the living room at the time of impact, were unharmed.

"Until this moment, the car was still at the scene of the accident and they already confirmed to me that the owner of the vehicle is at the scene of the incident, so presumably, it was not the owner of the Almendrón who was driving, but rather another person." person,” the reporter explained.

On Monday,two minors died and a total of 13 injured was the preliminary balance of a serious traffic accident suffered in the morning hours by a rented truck that was transporting passengers from the town of Frío de Nagua to the head of the Bartolomé Masó municipality, in the province of Granma.

On Sunday,A tractor overturned after colliding with a Peugeot on the road between the town of Zulueta and the head town of the Remedios municipality, in the province of Villa Clara.

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