10-year-old boy hit by car near school in Coral Springs, Broward

The child was airlifted to Broward Health Medical Center, where he was admitted in stable condition.

Patrullas de la Policía de Coral Springs © Coral Springs Police / Facebook
Coral Springs Police Patrols Foto © Coral Springs Police / Facebook

A 10-year-old boy was hit by a vehicle Tuesday morning near an elementary school in the Broward County city of Coral Springs.

The minor had to be airlifted to Broward Health Medical Center, where he was admitted. According to the report of Local 10, is in stable condition.

The victim was struck by a car while crossing the street on Sample Road, near NW 110th Avenue, not far from Coral Springs Elementary School.

After being examined at the scene, firefighters reported that the injuries did not appear to be life-threatening.

Although it has not been officially reported which car hit the child, images taken from a helicopter shortly after 10:00 am showed a white van stopped in the middle of the road in an area blocked by the Police.

It has also not been confirmed whether the child was walking or cycling and whether he studies at Coral Springs Elementary school.

City police later said the boy was crossing the crosswalk.

"As far as we know, it doesn't appear he wasn't riding a bike," one official said.

(News in development).

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