Triple accident leaves four injured in Sancti Spíritus

In the accident, which occurred in Cabaiguán, a Jawa motorcycle with a sidecar, a bicycle and a jeep were involved. The four injured were taken to the Sancti Spíritus provincial hospital.

Cuatro personas sufrieron heridas en el accidente ocurrido en la Carretera Central en Guayos © La Voz de Cabaiguán
Four people suffered injuries in the accident that occurred on the Central Highway in Guayos Photo © The Voice of Cabaiguán

Andcar accident that involved three vehicles in Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus, left a balance offour injured, on this Thursday morning, according to official reports.

The incident occurred after 9 a.m., on the Central Highway, in front of the entrance to the Guayos Railway Station, the local station reported.The Voice of Cabaiguán.

Capture of Facebook/Escambray

As a result of the accident,Four people were injured: a bicycle rider and three occupants of a jeep., who were transferred to the Camilo Cienfuegos Provincial Hospital to receive medical attention.

At the time of publishing this note, the health status of the injured is unknown.

They were involved in the eventa Jawa motorcycle with sidecar, plate B 70482, of the Provincial Delegation of Hydraulic Resources of Sancti Spíritus, which was traveling from the provincial capital to Cabaiguán;a bicycle that was circulating in that same direction, anda jeep, plate B 097 901, belonging to the Empresa Integral Agropecuaria de Sancti Spíritus, which went from Cabaiguán to the main city, according to the radio station's note.

The accident occurred due to aimproper overtaking carried out by the driver of the Jawa motorcycle, who "opened his path to give way to the driver of the bicycle, who was traveling along the road with some instability," Lieutenant Lester Díaz Amaró, police investigator, told the local press. in the town. When making the maneuver, the motorcycle invaded the path where the jeep was advancing.

According to the officer's version, the driver of the jeep tried to avoid the impact between both vehicles and performed a maneuver that caused the car to overturn in the opposite direction and hit a bus stop.

In recent traffic accidents that occurred in other provinces of the country, injuries were also reported. AMotorist suffered injuries when colliding with a car in Santiago de Cuba, while several were thepeople injured after the collision between a truck and a bus on the La Farola highway, in the province of Guantánamo, the previous week.

In Manicaragua, Villa Clara,one person lost his life and 11 were injured as a result of the collision between a truck and a passenger bus.

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