February will bring abundant rains to Cuba

The Institute of Meteorology said that this month a number of cold fronts similar to that of January arrive and that the rains depend on these fronts and the presence of the El Niño event in the Pacific.

Lluvias en La Habana (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Rains in Havana (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) of Cuba predicts a month of February with extreme temperatures and abundant rains, which will depend on the cold fronts that affect the country and the presence of the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event in the Pacific Ocean.

In its monthly forecast, the Climate Center explained that in this month, the fourth of the dry period on the Island, a number of cold fronts similar to that of January arrive, which influences the frequent establishment of winter conditions. Precipitation, depending fundamentally on these frontal systems, usually reaches totals similar to those of January.

The note adds that currently the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event continues to evolve in the Pacific Ocean, whose greatest impact on Cuba's climate is usually felt in February and March.

In both months, rainfall increases, with totals above the values typical for that time of year, in addition to the greater impact of cold fronts and prefrontal troughs.

The MEI (Multivariate ENSO Index) forecast model predicts that the event will last until spring, in April or May, and its greatest intensity will be reached between February and March, as a strong event.

Last Tuesday, theThe Cuban West woke up under the effects of winter weather caused by the arrival of the cold front number 13 to the Island, which was classified as weak and classic by INSMET experts.

In the west and center, maximum temperatures of between 21 and 24 degrees Celsius were forecast, and for the night values of between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius were announced, lower in inland locations.

At the beginning of the month, asevere local storm - associated with the entry of a cold front - affected the north of Havana and caused damage in the Siboney neighborhood of the Playa municipality.

The phenomenon downed trees and power line poles and caused damage to the roofs of homes and water tanks, as well as the fall of poles, which affected the electricity supply.

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